Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tim's Ballad

Tim was not a very attractive man. He was kind of awkward and out of style. He worked part time at a local repair shop. His boss felt sorry for Tim and tried to get him to go out once and a while. Tim never went out.

Tim danced.

When Tim was all alone. He would turn on music and dance.

No one that he knew would have guessed that Tim danced.

Sometimes he would dance to rock. Sometimes he danced to rap. Sometimes he danced to no music at all.

He would make sure the doors were locked and the curtains were closed.

It was then Tim let himself go wild.

Occasionally, Tim would laugh at all the things going on inside his head that made no sense.

He wondered why no one liked him, but he didn't like anyone so it seemed fair to him.

Tim got lonesome one night and ventured down to the bar by his apartment. Someone was playing Hank Williams. He wanted to dance, but he felt too insecure to dance in front of anyone at the bar. He had a couple drinks and left.

Tim went back to his house and tried to jerk off. He cried.

"No more," Tim said out loud.

Tim walked back down to the bar and danced. People looked at him and laughed. A guy he went to high school with threw a bottle at him and yelled, "FREAK."

Tim didn't stop dancing. He just kept dancing and people kept laughing.

Tim didn't have to stop and wasn't going to. For once Tim was happy. For tonight Tim was going to show the world who he was.

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