Friday, March 26, 2010

How to Live Forever

"I want to live forever," said Juan to Julio.

Juan and Julio had lived next door to each other for over twenty years. They had raised families in their little corner of the world. A few years back Juan's wife had ran off with some guy from a few blocks down. Julio's son was gay. The two men had always confided the things they didn't understand to one another.

"I don't think that's possible," said Julio as he opened up the last beer from his little cooler.

"Is that cooler of yours empty?" That was the cooler Julio bought when he and his family moved in next door to Juan and his now ex-wife.

"Grab your cooler. I got some more beer in the garage, and I want to show what I have been working on."

The two men walked to the garage. The sun burned yellow in the sky.

Juan opened up the garage door.

There was a large glass cylinder that had tubes and gadgets coming off of it that ran to a large gray tank.

"What are you doing with Snow White's coffin?"

"That ain't no coffin you ass. That's my hyperbaric chamber. That is how I am going to drink beer and live forever."

"Man, that's crazy," said Julio as he filled his cooler with beer from the refrigerator. "Where did you get that thing?"

"I was at work about a week ago and this guy brought in a whole bunch of can's and wanted to know if we recycled glass. I said no and he wanted to know who else might buy glass. I asked what he had and went out to the man's truck to see it. When I got out and saw this beautiful thing I knew I had to have it."

"Just like that."

"Just like that. The guy told me how it worked and what it did."

"He told you it would make you live forever."

"He told me if I set it up right, and and slept in it, it would make me live forever."

"If this guy had this contraption and didn't want to keep it for himself..."

"I asked him why he wouldn't want to live forever. You know what he told me? He told me he had already lived too long. So, I asked him old he was. He said 104. But he didn't look it. That's what got me."

"Yeah, well, I'd be scared to jump in that thing."

"I'm going to live forever," said Juan as he opened up a beer and looked at his glass capsule.

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