Friday, March 26, 2010

How to Live Forever Part Two

"The Jews and the Muslims aren't going to heaven," preached the minister of Sacred Vow Lutheran Church from the pulpit Sunday morning.

Joseph sat in the pew next to his Mom and Dad thinking about a girl in his 5th grade class that he liked a lot. Her name was Analise and she was Jewish.

Joseph felt awful that he liked a girl that wouldn't go to heaven. He was mad that God wouldn't let her into heaven because she was Jewish.

Joseph went to school the next day and talked to Analise.

"You know Analise, God isn't going to let you into heaven because you are Jewish."

"What are you talking about," the young girl laughed.

"I was in church yesterday and the Minister said you aren't going to heaven."

"Me personally?"

"No, your people. The Jews."

"Really, well us Jews don't really concern ourselves with that. It is about how we interact with our fellow man while we are on earth. If we do what is right now, we will not be punished."

"But don't you want to life forever, and be able to see your Grandparent's and stuff when you die."

"When we die we die."

That blew Joseph's little mind. He couldn't bear to think about that. He was raised to believe that when he dies he is going to heaven if he is good, or hell if he is bad. All he had to do was believe and that would get him in there.

Over the next few weeks Joesph tried to get Analise to believe in Jesus so she could go to heaven. He wanted to see a movie with her, but his parents wouldn't allow it, nor would he have felt right about it.

One day Analise didn't come to school. The next morning the teacher and the school's counselor were in the class. Analise and her mother had died in a car accident.

Joseph prayed to Jesus: Jesus, you were a Jew and even though other Jews killed you, please don't take that out on Analise and her mother. It's not their fault that they were Jewish. Please talk to God and let Analise and her Mom into heaven together so they aren't the only Jews up there. I still want to watch a movie with Analise.

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