Monday, March 22, 2010

Kick Stand

The gas pumper worked everyday. Rain, Snow, Sun. He was dependable. He knew how to change oil and he didn't creep out the customers too much. Usually.

On his walk to work one Tuesday morning he slipped on ice and fell. He broke his leg.

He limped his way to work. His boss was not happy.

"What the hell you doing falling on that ice boy."

"I wasn't paying attention to..."

"That's right you never pay attention to nothing. Now I supposed you're going to want me to take you to the hospital. Well I won't. You got here now, you can get yourself to the fucking hospital. And I don't want you back until you're better. Now get."

The gas pumper limped on down to the hospital. His leg got worse.

Because of complications his leg had to be removed.

The gas pumper could not work for a few months. He was exiled to his little apartment. His lights were turned off. He dinned by candle light. His boss didn't come to see how he was doing.

When he could finally get around good and could manage to saw, he crafted himself a peg leg.

It was almost Summer. The gas pumper walked on down to the gas station he worked and spoke to the boss.

"Get in here boy. You are moving around real good now. I'm impressed."

"Thanks there boss man, I was just wondering if I could have my job again?"

"Well now see, I got this new kid Randy to work. I'd like to have you back, but Randy works for a dollar less than you did."

"Yeah, well..."

"Yeah, but if you work for a dollar fifty less than you did before I would get rid of Randy."

The gas pumper agreed. Then he got back to work.

The kids in the neighborhood now called the gas pumper Kick Stand, on account of his new wooden leg.

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