Friday, April 9, 2010

Work Clothes' Revenge

"This man has created more problems than you know."

"All I wanted was a living room set."

Reggie tried to get up. The man in work clothes hit him in the arm with the bat.

"You ready to have some fun Tummy?"

The man in work clothes grabbed Reggie by his hair and yanked him to his feet. Then he motioned to Deloris to come with as pushed Reggie through the doorway into the hall. Deloris was scared.

"Hey, what's going on here," yelled Jeremy as he burst into the hallway.

The man in work clothes choked up on the bat, swung, and hit Jeremy over the top of the head. Jeremy fell against the wall then slumped to the ground. He was knocked unconscious.

The man in work clothes told Deloris to grab Jeremy and pull him into the living room. She did as he asked.

In the living room the man in work clothes set up two chairs from the kitchen back to back. Reggie was too stunned to do anything but lie on the floor. Deloris sat down on the couch and watched. She was just happy that the man had not hit her.

The man in work clothes sat Reggie and Jeremy back to back on the chairs. He secured them with duct tape around their waists, torsos and ankles.

Jeremy began to come to.

"What's happening Reggie," asked Jeremy.

"I...I dunno," mumbled Reggie.

Deloris sat with her mouth closed watching the horror unfold.

"You both know what's going on here. You are two disgusting pigs," said the man in work clothes.

"I don't even know who you are," said Reggie.

"But you knew my wife. Didn't you?"

"Who is your wife?"

"She was on your fucking website. You fat fuck," yelled the man in work clothes.

"There are a lot of girls on that website. Man why are you doing this," asked Jeremy. His eyes were dilated from the concussion he had just received.

"You can keep your mouth shut," said the man in work clothes as he duct taped Jeremy's mouth.

"Tummy, how does it feel to know that you got yourself and your friends into this?"

"I didn't do shit. You did this."

"Really, don't you know what happened to Brenda after your little fuck session?"

"No, I don't. I don't even remember Brenda."

"Let me tell you then. She took that money you gave her and went out and bought some dope. I came home from a hard day at work and found her dead in the bathroom. I found your business card in her purse. I checked out your website. I saw her. Now you know the rest of what is going to happen."

The man in work clothes and Reggie locked eyes. Blood ran down Reggie's forehead pooling around the collar of his shirt. Reggie lowered his head.

The man in work clothes turned to Deloris.

"This is going to hurt me more than it's going to hurt you."

He swung his bat and smacked her with it across the temple. She hit the ground with a loud smack. Then he left the house and went out to his car and got a drill from the backseat of his car. He walked back into the house and pulled the trigger of the drill. He looked at the bit spin.

"Are you ready for an life changing moment."

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Muffin Top Sonata

"Can I stay here with you man? I'm really drunk. I mean really drunk," asked Reggie's friend Jeremy.

"I am kinda busy here. I got this girl in back."

"I don't care man. I'm too drunk to walk back home and you had the closest place to.."

"Just stop right there. Come on in. Man you are going to have to hang out downstairs for a while. I have to finish this shoot and do a web cam show."

Jeremy went downstairs. Reggie went back to Deloris.

"I'm sorry about that my friend showed up drunk. He needed a place to crash."

"So do your friends call you Tummy," asked Deloris laughing.

"No, that is just a character I invented to do this. I couldn't really put Reggie Smith at the top. I mean, I have a job to keep in mind."

"But your face and everything else of yours is on there."

"Yeah, but at least not my real name. And I thought Tummy Tumson was cute."

"It's something."

"You ready to finish up the still part of this."

Reggie took more pictures of Deloris. She really liked having someone take pictures of her her naked. It was freeing for her. She never really thought herself to be attractive. Ever since she was in middle school boys and men called her fat, or disgusting, or whatever derogatory term came to mind. She liked the attention, even though she was compromising her goals in a way she never ever thought she would.

"You ready to do the real deal now? I've got lube in that drawer behind you why don't you grab it."

Deloris opened the door and took out the lube. She felt an anxiety attack coming on. She had anxiety issues ever since she was young.

"Yeah, just give me a minute," said Deloris as she grabbed her purse and went to the bathroom. Ronnie had given her half the money when she got there and was going to give her the other half when the shoot was over. If she didn't need the money so bad she would have climbed out the bathroom window. She didn't really want to have sex with Reggie "Tummy Tumson" Smith, but she was going to. She was going to get that living room set. She took two anti-anxiety pills from a bottle in her purse.

Then there was a loud crash from the bedroom. Deloris opened the bathroom door and saw a man with a baseball bat standing over Reggie who was lying on the floor bleeding out of his head.

"Oh, little thing. You sure showed up at the wrong time," said the man.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tummy Tumpson's XXX Muffin Tops

Reggie was a man who owned a website: Tummy Tumpson's XXX Muffin Tops. The website featured slightly overweight women in various erotic positions, engaging in lewd sexual acts. He enjoyed building his website at night and working as a sales associate at a discount furniture store during the day.

The nights were Reggie's time to let himself indulge in everything he was really about. He loved setting up the camera to record while he did something degrading to whoever was his subject that night while subscribers payed to watch. Some nights were tame, others were wild. He had a base of fans that logged in every night.

Reggie's job at the furniture store was the financial security he needed to pay his bills the website furthered his selfishness. He was a good salesman. People believed what he said whether selling furniture or smut. He delivered on his promises.

One sunny Saturday afternoon a woman named Deloris came into the store. She wanted to buy a new living room set for her apartment, but didn't have the money or the credit to secure financing. Reggie had sized her up and liked the way she looked from the moment she walked into the store. He told her that he might know how she could get that living room set and gave her his cell phone number.

Deloris called Reggie the next day. They met up at a diner close to where he lived. He explained to her about his website. At first, she was a little offended. When he offered her the five hundred dollars to buy that furniture set she signed the photo release form.

They went back to his house and he had her take a shower and get into an outfit he picked up for another girl her size that never showed up. He had her put on make up and began taking photos of her.

The pictures were suggestive at first, then he asked her to do stuff with sex toys. She did as he asked.

There was a knock on Reggie's front door.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Lies In Veins

Bob's obsession with Bianca had disrupted his sleep for the past week. He hadn't been able to get her out of his mind since she came to the recycling center and fucked him in the storage container. After his Mom went to bed he called her number that he got from Juan.


"Hey, Bianca, this is Bob."


"Bob from the recycling center."

"Oh, yeah. Juan's friend."

"What are you doing tonight?"

"Hey Bob, can you call me back in like twenty minutes?"


Bob hung up the phone and felt an excitement that he had never felt before. He counted every minute until it was time to call her back.

Her phone rang and rang, he got her voice mail.

"What the fuck," Bob said out loud. His heart pounded. He felt rejected.

Then his phone rang.


"Hey, I'm sorry. I was just finishing up something."

"Oh, no problemo."

"So, you want to see me?"

"Yeah, I do. Can I see you tonight?"

"Ah, tonight?"

"I have money."

"Well my fee is three hundred dollars tonight."

"What? Juan told me that he just paid you fifty the other day."

"That was then, and this is now. If you want to see me tonight it's three hundred. You got it?"

"I only have a hundred fifty."

"I will give you a half hour for that."


Bob had three hundred dollars, but he didn't want to give up his whole paycheck. They made arrangements to meet up in an hour at his place. They were going to have conduct business in his garage if he was going to hide what he was doing from his Mom.

At the hour mark exactly Bianca showed up. Bob was waiting outside smoking a cigarette. She looked a lot better in the night than she had did the day he saw her.

"So, you ready for me," she asked.

"Yeah, but we have to do this the garage so my Mom doesn't find out," said Bob nervously.

"No funny stuff alright. Just straight sex."

"Yeah, that is what I'm about. I have never tried anything else."

"Okay. Some guys just get into weird stuff."

Bob took her behind the house to the garage. The garage was a little brick structure built in the 1930's. There was a light in the middle of the room which was just dim enough to hide the sins which were about to be committed. There was an old couch in the corner and a card table with chairs set up around it in the middle of the room.

"I have to fix up real quick," said Bianca as she sat at the table. Bob thought that she was talking about fixing her hair.

She pulled a needle, spoon and a bottle of water out of her purse. She pulled a small knotted baggie of heroin from her bra.

Bob sat down across from her. He watched her cook up the dope and draw it up into the needle.

"Give me your belt," she demanded.

"Are you going to do this right now?"

"Well, I have to get into character," she smiled a smile that melted his heart.

Bob gave her his belt and watched her shoot up. He thought she looked so peaceful putting that needle in her vein. When she pulled it out she had a content look on her face that he hadn't seen on anyone living before. The closest to that look he had ever seen was on his father's face laying in his casket at the funeral.

"Can you believe I used to have to have someone else shoot me up?"

"No, you look like you really know what you are doing. Do you think I can have one?"

Bianca smiled. "Have you ever done this before?"

"Yeah," Bob lied.

"I only have this rig," she pointed to the needle she had just used. "Does that bother you?"

"No. That's okay."

"You will have to pay me for the shot. This stuff costs. Even for me."

"Get it ready. I want the same amount you just shot."

She poured a quarter of what was left from the bag into the spoon. Then she drew water from the bottle with the syringe. She shot the water into the spoon and mixed it around and heated it with a cigarette lighter. Bob noticed a tiny dark piece of cotton in the spoon. She sucked the liquefied heroin through the cotton back into her syringe.

"Do I have to shoot you up?"

"Yes, I'm a little rusty."

"How long has it been?"

"A couple months."


"I used to do it with a guy from work."

"Oh, who?"

"Mike, he's not there anymore."

She fixed up the shot.

"How much are you giving me," she asked.

"Does fifty bucks cover it?"

Bob pulled the fifty out of his wallet and gave it to her.

"I thought you had a hundred and fifty."

He gave her the hundred and fifty. She shook her head and grinned.
Then she tossed the belt to him.


"Tie your arm off."

He wrapped the belt around his arm as she had done. She took his arm and found a vein. She stuck the needle into his arm. His face tensed.

"Don't worry baby everyone lies."

No One Forgets

Jeremy lived alone in an efficiency apartment on the east side of town. He liked not having any roommates. He worked as a fork lift operator at a warehouse about twenty minutes away from his apartment. He liked his job.

After work every night he would come home and make himself something to eat, take a nap and go out to this bar around the corner from his apartment. He had a few friends at the bar who he would bullshit with about his day, or whatever was going on in sports. He would occasionally play songs on the jukebox whenever he wanted to remember some time that he was drinking to forget about.

On Thursday night, Mr. Biggly came in the bar. Jeremy had already been in his usual spot at the bar for a few hours. Mr. Biggly was not wearing his usual Denver Bronco's jacket or hat.

"Where's the Broncos shit Biggly," yelled Jeremy. Jeremy had hated the Broncos ever since they had John Elway on the team. He always taunted Biggly about his affection for the football team.

"Not today kid. I have had a rough one."

Jeremy ordered a beer for Biggly. Biggly sat next to him at the bar. Jeremy was on his sixth gin and tonic.

"So what happened to you today? You look like shit."

"Ah, my daughter. She came over to the house yelling at me about god knows what."

"Don't worry about it. But what's up with no Broncos shit? I've never seen you without something from that bullshit franchise on."

"I got my Broncos boxers on," Biggly laughed. "You want a shot?"

"You buying? You cheap ass."

"Yeah, well I got it."

Mr. Biggly and Jeremy drank and swapped stories all night. At bar close, Mr. Biggly talked Jeremy into going back to his house and finish up a bottle of vodka with him. Jeremy had to be at work in the morning, but he figured he could get away with only a few hours sleep.

Mr. Biggly drove Jeremy to his house. Coach Parr and three other fathers from the football team were sitting on Mr. Biggly's porch drinking beer.

"What's this shit," said Biggly as he got out of his car. Jeremy just sat in the car watching the inevitable unfold.

"Biggly we don't like you hanging around the practice field," said one of the fathers.

"Yeah, well what the fuck are you doing on my porch?"

"We've been waiting for you all night. We're gonna teach you a lesson. You're going to stop looking at them kids."

The men all rushed Biggly and started beating him. He tried to put up a fight, but he was too drunk.

When the men were done beating Mr. Biggly they left. Jeremy got out of the car and picked up Mr. Biggly.

"I got in a couple good hits, didn't I?"

"You did the best you could have Biggly."

Jeremy got Mr. Biggly into his house and set him in a kitchen chair.

"You still want a drink kid?"